Monday, June 25, 2012


We're (attempting) to leave at 5:30am now to beat the heat wave that's hitting Spain.  At about 8am this morning we arrived in the college town of Logrono, officially marking our departure from the autonomia (similar to a U.S. state) of Navarra and into the one of La Rioja.  We had breakfast at a cafe called Ibiza (ordering at the bar and carrying it to the table is 40 cents cheaper than ordering from the table!), where I had cola cao, the best hot chocolate in a world.  Then we found an open pharmacy (after 9am of course), and I convinced a pharmacist to give me and Erica benadryl for allergies, even though it is only prescribed as a sleeping aid in Spain.  Go figure.  (P.S. Shoutout to Aunt Vicki for her quick and effective medical advice for an allergic reaction I had to some plant on the trail!)  Wish there was more time to spend in this city -- it's La Rioja's bustling capital and seems like a lot of fun.  Instead, we were off to Navarette!

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