Adrian (Downward Dog): Well done, good sir! You've mastered the Code of Chivalry and passed the Wisdom-with-Women Proficiency Test, so your next lesson is on historical examples of true gentlemen. (And if you haven't tried the book yet, required reading!)
Andrea (Black Bear): "And now whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend..." -- "For Good" from Wicked
<3 <3
Ariana (Time Bomb): You are my hero. (But actually.) Also, in honor of your love for The Hunger Games, here is my favorite movie when I was 12, featuring Baby Peeta!
C.C. (Cherry Legs): Breathe. You got this, whatever this may be. Remember that you deserve the world, Cecilia Hamilton Weyland.
Emily (Protein -- though I think Blonde Blazes works too): Words of wisdom from one of my favorite singers to another:
"You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
and show the world all the love in heart...
You're gonna find, yes you will, that
You're beautiful as you feel" -- by Carole King
How beautiful you already are, my dear.
Erica (The Amazon Godmother): I am continually astounded by your ability to meet people where they are, to make them feel taken seriously and understood and supported. So, here's a list of my school's peer counseling groups, because I think you need to start one at Santa Cruz so that more people can benefit from your gift for empathy! (Also, completely unrelated and just for fun: :D )
Gabriela (Lil' Momma): Battlestar Galactica. And a story I just emailed you from this week's New Yorker, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Love your guts.
Jemima (Brie): I must confess (a la Rousseau) that I have never read his The Reveries of the Solitary Walker, but I saw the title and thought most fondly of you! P.S. Everyone who read my blog loves your name and your gumption, as do I. :)
Julia (Hellcat): Well this has gotten very meta. Hello self. I give you the inexplicable collection of little lights in the Los Angeles harbor, maybe docks or moored boats, set against the heavy darkness of sky/land/sea, looking for all the world from the tiny plane window like a field of stars, your compostela come home.
Kevin (Virgil): I most highly recommend Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows: "And you, you will come too, young brother; for the days pass, and never return, and the South still waits for you. Take the Adventure, heed the call, now ere the irrevocable moment passes! Tis but a banging of the door behind you, a blithesome step forward, and you are out of the old life and into the new! Then some day, some day long hence, jog home here if you will, when the cup has been drained and the play has been played, and sit down by your quiet river with a store of goodly memories for company."
Mariela (Lucy A.K.A. Thor in the Sky with Diamonds): Hey Buddy-For-Life! Can't wait for our Doctor Who screening! In the meantime, your very own personal favorite quote come to life. (It's a little glitchy, apologies!)
Marina (Beatrice): An addendum to my tales of Vietnam (yes, that is an elephant trunk). Thanks for being the best surrogate Mama Duck ever!

Tim (YouTube): Thank you again for the pulpo -- it literally changed my life! Also, inspiration for your next global adventure: a very cool documentary miniseries (which we watched in OCHSA's geography class, actually) called The Long Way Round about two guys who motorbike around the world.
Tristan (The Bald Eagle/Elf): I Facebook-connected you to my Brony friend from Harvard, so go debate the physics of Ponyville 'til Twilight Sparkle turns orange. You're welcome.