Sunday, July 8, 2012

El Peregrino Europeo

The best pilgrim poem I've seen so far.  Here's my (rough) translation:

The European Pilgrim

you were born for this camino
you have a date.
Where? With who?
Although you don't know it
perhaps with your own self?
your steps will be your words
the path your song
fatigue your prayer.
at the end, your silence will speak to you.
alone, with others
but come out of yourself
you created rivals for yourself,
you will find companions
you imagined enemies,
you will make friends.
your mind doesn't know
where your steps
take your heart.
you were born to do this camino,
that of the pilgrim.
Another walks toward you
and looks for you
so that you can find him,
In the sanctuary, the goal of the camino,
in the sanctuary, in the depths of
your heart.
He is your peace.
He is your joy.
God already walks with you.

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